Home Dynamic Programming - Top Down Method

Dynamic Programming - Top Down Method

Dynamic programming is an optimisation solution. To identify if we can use dynamic programming to solve a problem, we need to answer the following two questions:

  1. Can the problem be broken down into optimal substructures. I.e. is the larger problem composed of smaller problems of the same structure.
  2. Can the problem be broken down into overlapping subproblems. This will be the memoization part.

Usually, there are two common dynamic programming methods:

  1. Top Down: Start with the entire search space and use smaller components (subproblems) as needed to come up with a solution
  2. Bottom Up: Start from the basic unit (sub-problem) and build up to the solution.

In each method, we leverage the memoization part to reduce the time complexity by caching previous results to avoid recomputations. I will dive right into examples because I think thats the best way to learn.

Example: Climbing Staircase

The problem we will work through is called Climbing Stairs. We are climbing a staircase and it takes n steps to reach the top. Each time you can either climb 1 or 2 steps. In how many distinct ways can you climb to the top?

Some small restrictions the question poses is that n >= 1. To make this clearer, for every step we take (either 1 or 2) we will subtract from n until we get to 0 which is assumed to be the top of the staircase.

Lets start by trying to explore how we would go about solving this manually for when n is small and then see if we can generalise any patterns for arbitary n. Suppose n = 1, well we can only take 1 step to finish. If n = 2, we could either jump 2 steps or we jump to step 1 and then we have can take 1 step again to finish so 2 solutions.

flowchart TD
2 ---|One step|1 
1 ---|One step|0
2 ---|Two step|0

Now lets consider n = 3. Well we could take one step and that would get us to n = 2 (hold on, but we solved this already?). We could also take two steps and that would get us to n = 1 (hold on, we solved this as well!). Here we’ve potentially identified our base cases, but more importantly we see there is overlapping subproblems. If only there was a way to store these results so we could later retrieve them as we wanted. Python ships with functools which has a decorator called @cache which will store these results for us. An alternative memoization method, would be to use a hashmap such as a dictionary and have the key being n with the result of the output being the value.

But lets first look at the n = 3 case with a diagram:

flowchart TD
2 -.-> 1 
1 -.-> 0
2 -.-> 0
3 --> |"f(n=1)"|1
3 --> |"f(n=2)"|2

The f(n=1) and f(n=2) steps are already computed. So the idea now becomes if I want to compute the number of ways for n = 3, we basically need to add all the ways we can climb a staircase when starting from n = 1 and n = 2 (subproblems). Likewise we can now store our result for n = 3 and use this for larger values of n to break down the problem in the same way. So lets write this up in code:

from functools import cache # Our memoization method

class Solution:
    def climbStairs(self, n: int) -> int:
        # Base cases are for both n = 1 and n = 2
        if n == 1:
            return 1
        elif n == 2:
            return 2
            # In relation to our example above if climbStairs(n=3) then thats equal to the subproblems climbStairs(n = 2) + climbStairs(n = 1)
            # We can generalise this logic for arbitary n.
            return self.climbStairs(n - 1) + self.climbStairs(n - 2)

Hope you learnt something about top down methods in dynamic programming!

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